Art: Here Comes The Neighborhood (Documentary Series)

Art: Here Comes The Neighborhood (Documentary Series)

“Here Comes the Neighborhood” is a short documentary series about the ability of public art to transform and improve a community. The first season focuses on The Wynwood Walls, an outdoor street art museum in an industrial Miami district that includes work by

“Here Comes the Neighborhood” is a short documentary series about the ability of public art to transform and improve a community. The first season focuses on The Wynwood Walls, an outdoor street art museum in an industrial Miami district that includes work by quite a few famous street artists.

The documentary explores a unique juncture in history as a new community emerges and evolves. A progressive urban revitalization campaign is examined in the first person, using this year’s new artists and their commissions as a lens to explore a neighborhood in transition.

The series is framed by colorful overview and concluding episodes, providing the scope of past, present and future. Featured artists include Futura, Os Gemeos, Retna, Ron English, b., Vhils, Martha Cooper (photographer), Invader, Phase 2, and many more. Watch the trailer below, followed by the first seven full-length episodes.

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Just an ordinary guy always on the hunt for extraordinary music. Not just as the founder of The Find Magazine & Rucksack Records, but also as a freelance music journalist (bylines at Tracklib, Bandcamp, Wax Poetics, DIG Mag, among others) and—above all—out of love for all kinds of good music.