About The Find

The Find started in 2007, coming from a deep passion for beatmaking, crate-digging culture, hip-hop, and jazz. What started off as a pre-streaming outlet to support our favorite independent artists, grew into a decade-long (and counting) run of wax, mags, tapes, interviews, mixes, and stories.
The Find features contributors (editors, illustrators, and DJs/beatmakers) from around the globe. Collectors and music fanatics alike based in Amsterdam (where The Find is located), Berlin, London, San Francisco, Zaragoza, Melbourne, and beyond.
As much as we love originality in music, the same goes for content: all editorial features on The Find are fully made by our team, as well as by editors who came knocking on our digital door with their own idea. It’s all a labor of love. That’s the ‘Mag’ part in our website link. Which, in all honesty, also comes from a not-so-secret desire to return back in print. One day.
All these years led to a wide array of projects and collaborations such as printed magazines, cassette tape releases, vinyl records, a podcast, editorial illustrations, T-shirts, and most recently, the start of a record label. Which brings us to the current 2020 relaunch of The Find.
Join us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Mixcloud, through infrequent emails, or at the all-new Spotify profile to keep on finding gems.
(Top illustration: The Binh)