News: Support Laid Back’s IndieGoGo campaign

You can support Laid Back Radio’s compilation by making a donation, to make sure this compilation will see daylight. In return you get a free copy of the CD, a fresh LDBK t-shirt, stickers or a Playbutton, depending on your contribution. The compilation will contain 15 tracks by LDBK affiliated artists such as Strand, LeftO, MonkeyRobot, ClassicBeatz, 40 Winks, The Compositive Two and much more.
With only 42 days left on the counter, Laid Back Radio is halfway through their IndieGoGo campaign. With this crowdfunding campaign they want to finance a brand new LDBK compilation. So far the Belgian radio station has raised $2.224 of the $7.500 goal, so hopefully that’s where you come in with support.
You can support this project by donating a small -or big- amount of money, to make sure this compilation will see daylight. In return you get a free copy of the CD, a fresh LDBK t-shirt, stickers or a Playbutton, depending on your contribution. So you support Laid Back and you get something in return, which makes it beneficial for both.
The compilation will be released on CD and contains 15 tracks by LDBK affiliated artists such as Strand, LeftO, MonkeyRobot, ClassicBeatz, 40 Winks, The Compositive Two and much more.
Not familiar with Laid Back Radio? Then check out our archive of Pick Of The Week‘s for them, to get a taste of the music. If you like what you are hearing, then head over to IndieGoGo to support this project.
More: Pick Of The Week / Laid Back Radio / IndieGoGo