Stream: Real J Wallace & Blu – RælBlz (2012)

“RælBlz” is a collaborative effort by Real J. Wallace spitting over Blu beats, creating a protest which speaks on current issues that divide us as a people – corporate corruption, religion, homosexuality, the 2012 election, and the 99% (revolution). This seems like an official New World Color release with all-new productions by God Lee Barnes b.k.a. Blu.
“Rælblz” is a promo album to build anticipation for the upcoming full-length album “GRO” by San Diego native, Real J. Wallace. Giving you a glimpse of Blu’s soulful hand in prodution and Real’s passionate flow, “Rælblz” is an introduction to the rugged rawness of what they have to offer in the near future. Also listen to Real J Wallace’s Back To The Funk, produced by Profile (formerly of The Sound Providers).