Free Download: Jazzo & Melodiesinfonie – Wasser EP (2012)

With so many beat makers in existence out there in the world, Jazzo & Melodiesinfonie stand out because of their versatile style. Every single track that they create has an average of 2-3 segments or breakdowns that create a new sound direction and vibe.
Melodiesinfonie: “The thing is, there are so many boring loop beats in this beat scene.. I think you know what I mean. When Jazzo and I make music, our first principal is to have fun and to create songs, not loops. With songs the meaning is, we want to have different parts in one track, and we work maybe 7 hours on a track, have fun together and just love what we do. Simple as that! Everytime we create, it’s like a trip through a colorful world.”
1. Am Meer 03:11
2. Der Stiller See 03:00
3. Verschmutztes Wasser 03:40
4. Stiller See ft. Soia 03:00
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