Giveaway: Win 2 free tickets for DJ Krush @ The Forum (London, UK)

DJ Krush is a true innovator when it comes to hip hop production. The Japanese producer/turntablist creates atmospheric soundscapes, treats sampling as an art and turns styles ranging from trip-hop and ambient to jazz and hip hop into a Japanese audible delicacy.
It’s no exaggeration to say that he’s a true master of layering, beat manipulation and dark soundscapes. In affiliation with Soundcrash we give away two tickets for his show at The Forum (London, UK) on February 1st.
Want to experience the Sensei at work? Share this post on Twitter or Facebook (don’t forget to ‘tag’ us!) or email us to declare your love for DJ Krush. We’ll announce the winner (2 tickets) soon through our social media channels.
“DJ Krush’s brand of instrumental hip hop took the genre to a whole different level, an influence that is still felt today in the vast swathe of West Coast hip hop championed by the Stones Throw and Brainfeeder crews as well as new acts of the caliber of Shabazz Palaces or Ratking. Moving away from the I-Can-Scratch-Faster-Than-Thou contests turntablism had become in the States, DJ Krush focused on the musicality the medium offered and laid the foundation for a new generation of sounds that would later be known as trip-hop and the myriad micro-scenes that came out of that era.”