Videos: ArtOfficial, Full Crate, Portishead, Aesop Rock & More

And once again, a selection of videos we think you should watch! This time live footage, a remix, a brand new song by Portishead and more…
Title: ArtOfficial in the studio 8/12/09
Info: ArtOfficial in the studio working on their upcoming mixtape. We’re long time supporters of the Jazz/Hip Hop crew, so can’t wait for new material. Also make sure you check out our interview with ArtOfficial HERE.
Title: Aesop Rock – None Shall Pass (Bossasaurus Remix)
Info: Interesting remix of Aesop Rock’s None Shall Pass by Oakland-based duo Bossasaurus. The remix will appear on their upcoming release ‘S.T.F.U.Y.M.C.A. (Shove These Fossils Up Your Magnificent Creationist Ass)’.
Title: Outasight – Story/Signing Video
Info: Very inspiring and informative video by Outasight. I absolutely loved his release ‘Radio New York‘, even sampled one of his songs in the jingle for our weekly selection on Laid Back Radio. Thanks to Potholes In My Blog for the heads up and congrats to Outasight for signing to WP/Warner Music!
Title: Portishead – Chase The Tear (New)
Info: Eclectic as we are, sometimes we also want to share things with you from other genres. This time it’s a new song by Portishead, a Trip Hop band from Bristol (United Kingdom). They released this new song and video as a benefit for Amnesty International. And in case you’re wondering, ‘tear’ refers to a paper tear-style, not a tear from the eye.
Title: Full Crate & Mar mastering in Cologne
Info: Music like this makes me feel proud I’m from the Netherlands. Full Crate and Mar visited Cologne (Germany) to master their upcoming EP ‘Conversations With Her‘. Also check out our latest exclusive mix, featuring both Full Crate and Mar.
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