Video: Criticism II (Music Is Math)
Very interesting conference about (online) music journalism, Twitter, Hype Machine, music blogs and related subjects. Chris Weingarten is music critic for Rolling Stone, Revolver, Village Voice and others and is the speaker at this ‘140 Characters Conference’.
Very interesting conference about (online) music journalism, Twitter, Hype Machine, music blogs and related subjects. Chris Weingarten is a music critic for Rolling Stone, Revolver, Village Voice and others and is the speaker at this ‘140 Characters Conference’.
He has some interesting takes and explicit opinions on online music journalism, which is no secret since his presentation basically starts with the words “Internet? I give up”. Whether you are a blogger, site owner, music fanatic or social network junkie: you definitely should watch this.
More: Chris Weingarten
Related: Criticism I (Crowdsurfing Killed Punk Rock)