Top 30: Driving Songs
Since the invention of the internal combustion engine, personal human transportation has been altered drastically. For us as music enthusiasts, one of the best developments has been simply the addition of in vehicle sound systems. There is nothing quite like the joy of being behind the wheel with an open road ahead and your favorite music surrounding you.
This list was compiled by our team and features a selection of what we deem to be some of the best music to accompany driving a car. With springtime well and truly underway and summer looming, there is no better time to take a road trip or just take a cruise around the countryside.
This 30-song list is populated with primarily hip hop, funk/jazz fusion, beats, and some touches of world music. Check it all out, enjoy them while driving, and give us some of your suggestions for road music on our Facebook page, Twitter or in the comments. Check all our other lists for more thematic recommendations.