Mr. Käfer – Lost Reflections (KO-OP Full Album)

Lost Reflections is the result of an impromptu jazz-beat collaboration between Austrian beatmaker Mr. Käfer and Californian saxophonist Gavin Lord.
At least, that’s how the story goes, after “meeting by chance at a burger shop.” The enigmatic saxophonist told a bit more about the collab to Melting Pot Music: “We would start with a rough idea of the mood we wanted to convey–whether that was a feeling or a sample or a riff–and then we would just jam on it until it felt right.”
“To be honest, at first we didn’t really know what we were doing; I had only played with jazz combos and swing bands. Karim was a beat maker and rapper. Jamming and improvising with a saxophone and a midi-controller was new for both of us, but very cool and natural. After I moved away, we almost forgot about the tracks and they just sat around for a while. But we put too much love into these tracks to sit on them forever.”
Nine smooth and dreamy tracks are the results of that. A hi-fi collaboration in times of lo-fi uniformity.