Free Download: Blockhead – Throwaway Files 2.0 pt. 3
The supreme eclectic New York beatmaker Blockhead has been dropping a goldmine of never used beats for free through his blog, Phat Friend. There are 15 or so of these free ‘throwaway’ beat collections that span his production from 2001 or so to about 2010 and are certainly worth digging through for many lost gems. Start with this most recent helping of Blockhead leftovers and according to your hunger, check out the other free downloads to feed your mind.
I remember first hearing Blockhead’s beats on the Aesop Rock album Float and just not knowing what do with myself. I mean tracks like “Oxygen” and “Basic Cable” are on a whole different level to most of hip hop. To get to that level you have to wander through the abandoned New York City subway system, find a grimy forgotten trap door, climb down a moldy ladder, crawl under overgrown white moss that has never seen daylight, and finally reach a blooming garden of rare and exotic plants where Blockhead’s mind dwells.
So hop on this free collection, because when life gives you lemons, take them. Because free shit is cool.