Art: Agents Of Change – 3 Kings

Back in April, Remi/Rough and System from the English crew Agents Of Change painted a large scale mural commemorating three influential graffiti-kings: Dondi, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Rammellzee. Also check out this article about how the six Agents Of Change visit Polphaill, known as ‘Ghost Village’.
Back in April, Remi/Rough and System from the English crew Agents Of Change painted a large scale mural commemorating three influential graffiti-kings: Dondi, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Rammellzee.
Also check out this article about how the six Agents Of Change visit Polphaill, known as ‘Ghost Village’. It was built in the 1970s to house oil-rig construction workers but was never inhabited and later completely abandoned…